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The Solfeggio Frequencies are Ancient Healing tones used for specific spiritual, physical and emotional wellness. The Solfeggio 639 Hz mainly targets emotional evaluation, especially for relationships and the problems or obstacles being experienced, and on a physical level, this particular tone is used to assist the body’s cells to be in tune with its inner and outer environments. Also embedded in this track are binaural beats and isochronic tones that range from 1Hz to 10.5Hz, which are associated with the feeling of well-being, overall view of inter-relationships, harmony, balance, closely relates to the heart which has the effect of love and warmth. Also mixed in are tones that trigger the Sacral or the Svadhisthana Chakra and the Heart or Anahata Chakra. These are connected to the reproductive system and also towards sexuality and relationships, as well as Love for Life, of Self and of Others. For healing purposes, this pure tone track will provide awareness of body imbalances and the need to for balance.

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