  1. Spark The Mind
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“Spark The Mind” - 5 Minute Booster for Accelerated Learning and INTELLIGENCE

Our 5-Minute Quick Booster for Accelerated Learning will put your mind into the state for focus, concentration, absorbing new information, and memory, which is ideal to be used before or during study periods. Need to concentrate more on your work or while studying for an exam? Need a natural picker-upper? We've created a binaural beat mix of 11Hz to 22Hz, an isochronic tone of 14Hz, and a carrier of 144.72Hz aimed at providing you with a more focused mindset for the tasks at hand. These Learning Frequencies can help you to achieve the work goal with determination and get a natural push of needed energy and reduce stress, leaving you feel more relaxed and calm. It also contains frequencies found in the Schumann Resonance and Mars' orbit frequency, which supports strength of will and ability for achievement. Listen with headphones to achieve the best binaural beats results and always keep the volume at a comfortable low setting.

Watch the full video at: https://youtu.be/q2laIqIYq20

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