A relaxing and stress-relieving music track to accompany you while you study, work, meditate or stare out into nothingness. Using 12-15Hz of binaural beats and isochronic tones that flow up and down throughout the track, these Beta frequencies are intended to provide the effects of being in a relaxed focus state of mind, which can also help and improve in much needed attentive abilities towards a certain task.

Using a 10.5Hz as the isochronic tone, this frequency is for healing of the body and mind, gives a relaxed alertness, lowers blood pressure, and is connected to our Heart chakra, or the Anahata. Physically, it is connected to the thymus, the heart, blood and circulatory system.

Take a breather and start to feel good with our light relaxation music track. Reflect on love. Reflect on Life. Reflect on everything you feel needs attention and solution. This can be listened with or without headphones.

*To ensure a successful and complete download of our MP3 file/s, we highly recommend using a desktop or laptop computer before transferring the downloaded music track/s to your desired music player device.